Courses & Training
Do you enjoy being behind the camera and have always wanted to try your hand at directing film or content editing, and production?
Focus on film, television, or motion design with our two Course programs.
After studying, you can gain a foothold in the film and television world, in advertising and communications agencies, or other innovative and creative areas.
GLP's Online programs are active creative learning experiences where students create original work.
GLP instructors are award-winning, professional photographers who remain active in many genres of photography.
Each workshop includes live interactive instruction, group meetings, and additional one-on-one consultations with the instructor.
Lighting the scene
We all have different approaches to lighting a scene, from what lights we use to what lenses we choose. We determine the elements and variables in each location. Where do we place talent? Where do we place the camera?
Plots and story structure
For those who like to plot their novel (and even for those who don't), story structure is an integral part of any good narrative. Even when you write from the seat of your pants, you will want to follow some organizing structure or revise your work after the fact to do so.
But what is story structure, and how do you know if you are using it correctly?
Writing for screens
All good movie magic starts with a first draft and evolves into a screenplay fit for the big screen. Writing a film script for a professional film is a long and challenging process that requires a degree of technical know-how. With sufficient study, practice, and familiarity with the standard scriptwriting process, though, you can master the craft of screenwriting.
Shot Sizes & directions
Do you want to understand the different types of camera shots and shot sizes in film, TV, or animation, but you also want great examples that come with clear explanations of when and why to use a specific shot size? We’ll provide you with knowledge and show examples of all the different types of camera shot sizes in film.
Green film production
At Gutt Land Productions we produce creative content and care for our earth at the same time. We work with a diverse range of writers, directors, and producers and focus on the voices that need to be heard. We are committed to diversity both on and off the screen and to responsibly making our projects. We aim to tell important and diverse stories, but not pollute the earth in the process.
In this course, you can learn more about projects under sustainability, you can train with more information about making your film green.
Distribution and marketing
Distribution is an integral part of the film industry; without it, a film doesn’t get seen. Yet for many filmmakers starting their careers, the distribution process is murky and intimidating. This is compounded by film distribution’s rapidly shifting status in the age of streaming. So what is film distribution? How does it work, what is its history, and what is its future?
Satisfaction Guarantee
Not all programs in all courses are presented in the same way, and we are not committed to repeating knowledge information to ensure that the content is renewed and continues to develop.